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Anti-Wrinkle Cream Instructions

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Iron out those wrinkles for rejuvenated, firmer skin with the help of Agelyss® Anti-Wrinkle Cream! Tighter, agelyss skin is possible with Matrixyl 3000® to enhance skin tone & elasticity, PhytoCellTecTM Alp Rose to preserve skin vitality, Glucare® S 2% to repair damaged skin, Gatuline® In-Tense to firm skin, SYN®-COLL to moisturize and lift skin, and Trylagen® PCB to boost collagen production. This product takes a well rounded approach to support dermal architecture from all angles.

How to Apply

Step 1: As part of your morning routine, gently cleanse your skin and pat dry.

Step 2: Take a small amount of cream and dot the entire face and neck. Massage the cream directly onto the skin with your fingertips using a light touch in an upwards motion. Never stretch, drag, pull or rub the skin.

Step 3: Allow the cream to be fully absorbed before applying any other skincare products.

When to Use

For best results, we suggest daily use. You can personalize your skincare routine to find your ideal usage based on your lifestyle, climate, and skin type.

Our Expert Advice

Better to choose one cream that does it all than to apply several creams that can interact with each other to irritate your skin. Our Wrinkle Cream moisturizes, boosts collagen, and helps repair skin while working to eliminate wrinkles. Plus, it is suitable for all skin types!

Top Tip:

If you’re a smoker, try cutting back on the cigarettes, or even quitting, to prevent further deterioration of your skin. Smoking damages collagen and elastin which weakens the support system of your skin and causes it to sink in and form fine lines and wrinkles.